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uPVC Windows & Aluminium Windows in Leicestershire and Loughborough

Our beautifully designed uPVC windows and aluminium windows offer contemporary, classic & heritage window designs to suit all homes.

Throughout Leicestershire and Loughborough, double glazing is always at the forefront of homeowners’ plans for home improvement.

With high-quality products, offered in a range of styles and energy-efficient windows, we make sure that your windows are perfect for your home, whatever your budget may be.

All our products take into account energy efficiency and security as a priority; that’s why with excellent Window Energy Ratings (WER) and high-security hardware, you’ll be able to sleep safe in the knowledge that your family is free from any danger, thanks to using the highest quality products and suppliers around.

From the time-honoured sculptured finish to contemporary chamfered frames, we also offer premium aluminium window frames.

Made in Britain, these multi-chambered window profiles work hard to make your home the most efficient it can possibly be.

Environmental sustainability is also very important to us. This is why we make sure that our uPVC & aluminium window suppliers actively recycle any waste back into their products wherever they can.

If you’re looking to enhance your home in Leicester, Leicestershire, or Loughborough, get in touch today to see how uPVC Windows or Aluminium Windows could help you. With Kettell Windows, you’re in good hands, we pride ourselves on delivering quality windows with high levels of customer satisfaction.

Feel free to book an at-home consultation or pop-in to our showroom to discuss your options further.

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Showroom open by appointment only

Come and visit our showroom in Leicestershire

If you would like to visit our showroom and explore our wide range of windows and doors you can book an appointment online today.

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